What's Happening Now: THE WALL
We thought we were done when we moved in, back in April 2009, except for little details like installing shelving and such. But, you know, we did intentionally build on a slope, so there was the small (?!!) matter of retaining walls. |
We started by using the smaller By June 2009, we had set up the beginning of a path up the west side of the house, to forestall the flow of very sandy soil down that slope. |
We began at the east side, where the elevation was lowest. Now we were working in clay, rather than sand, and it was much slower going. The photo at the right shows how it looked by September 2009. In the background, you can see the pallets that Dave left on site for us. |
We worked hard through the summer. By August, we had made a lot of headway, and the pallets — each containing 45 big blocks — were gone! |
We kept working — bringing home load after load of blocks in our pickup — and, by November, the backyard wall was just about done, including steps and "planter boxes"! |
...and we had a little area of lawn. |
With all of the convergences and divergences, it seems like a work of art! ...and each section of wall is no more than four feet high. |
In late June 2011, the winter rainy season started letting up a bit, so our neighbor (who has a grader) flattened out our front parking area. We had eight pallets of big blocks delivered, and started work on — you guessed it — a wall! At the bottom left of this photo, you can see a muddy slope — which was beginning to form a gully — heading up along the east side of the house. |
By the end of August 2011,
Finally... When guests came to visit, they had a hard time walking up our steep gravel driveway. So we pushed to complete one last wall project in 2011 and built a set of big-block stairs along the driveway. Now it's 33 steps to the top of the hill. We added some yard lights that we had picked up at a garage sale, and the result was gorgeous! |
What's Happening Now: